Cynthia Sin U LEONG, MA

MA in Counseling and Psychotherapy
University of Saint Joseph
Cynthia completed her Bachelor in Psychology in 2009 and Master in Counseling and Psychotherapy in 2012; both degrees were obtained at the University of Saint Joseph. She gained research experience by working as a research assistant in a research center for three years. She is now a lecturer at the University of Saint Joseph, teaching Social Science Research Methods, Social Statistics, and Methods and Skills in Counseling. Her plan for PhD studies will be focusing on mental health and psychosocial risk factors in Macau.
Representative publications and presentations
  • Leong, S.U., SHEN, Z.Z., CHANG, K., LAM, I.F., AO, W.S., CHAN, W.W., & HALL, B.J. (2017). Culturally informed treatment of distress: the role of Chinese herbal tea in mental health care in Macau (SAR), China. Poster accepted for presentation at the STAR conference 2017, Hong Kong SAR, China.
  • Shen, Z. Z., Leong, S. U., Chang K., Lam I. F., Ao, A. W. S., Chan, E. W. W. & Hall, B. J. (July, 2017). Cultural manifestations of distress among Chinese adults in Macau (SAR), China. Poster accepted for presentation at the STAR conference 2017, Hong Kong SAR, China.